I was recently asked to coach my daughter’s soccer team, and since she’s 11 now, which equals more eye-rolling and less talking to me, and I love soccer, I said yes.
Three weeks ago, we all arrived at the first practice, and everyone was so excited because this was the first time they had been able to play since the pandemic started so long ago. The girls were all chatting, and I kept trying to get them to take a lap to warm up but nobody was listening to me. Like, none of them. Another mom offered to help coach since she had coached before, and we got started.
Well, this woman is a lot more aggressive than I am. And I truly don’t mean this in a bad way; I want and need to be a bit more aggressive. The girls immediately started taking their lap and following the instructions from the other, now, volunteer coach (who is amazing, by the way).
I could feel myself slinking back. I helped here and there, but not like I had imagined before practice started that night.
You see, I have played soccer since I was five years old (I am now 40). I played select, high school and ODP (Olympic Development Program) all through my high school years, even missing my senior homecoming so I could play at a scouted tournament in Washington D.C. I went on to play Division I Women’s Soccer at an SEC school (Geaux Tigers!). I still play in our local co-ed league. Long story short, I know how to play the game.
Why wasn’t I stepping up to be a better coach?
When doubt creeps in
Then, I started to question my coaching style in my business. I should note that right before the pandemic hit, I started coaching a few businesses while also running my marketing agency. Once the pandemic hit, many business owners couldn’t afford to hire anyone to do it for them, so they hired me to teach them so they could do it themselves. It’s amazing, and I love it.
“Maybe I’m not a good marketing coach, either," I started to think.
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