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In Times of Crisis, Your Biggest Asset Is Yourself

DBMS Global

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, businesses are scrambling to pivot down new avenues, employees are raising concerns about workplace safety and procedures, and consumers are living on edge. On top of all that, as a business owner, you want to keep your colleagues, family, and friends safe.

This is a lot to manage.  

During this time, the temptation to shift every minute of your day to focus on a number of factors can be hard to fight. But you must never neglect the number one investment you have--yourself.

Most of us don't actually acknowledge this fact. In order to show up for your community, your team, and those you interact with on a daily basis, you must first show up for yourself. Focus on how you can become the most reliable and valued asset during this time, and those around you will benefit. Here's how.

1. Build up your mental well.

2. Emphasize your physical health.

3. Abandon what was.

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