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  • DBMS Global

Hong Kong brands, long considered to be of higher quality, seek ways of coping with ‘Made in China’

Hong Kong businesses whose products are recognised globally as being of a higher quality and refinement are working on strategies to cope with a new US requirement that all exports from the special administrative region be labelled as “Made in China” after September 25.

In the short term, Hong Kong companies might have to rely on their importers in the United States to help clarify the actual origins of their products to customers, George Leung Siu-kay, chief executive of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, said in an interview.

“In the long term, companies might need to draw up individual sales plans that suit their own capabilities, to cope with the growing uncertainties in the US market,” Leung said.

The labelling rule was announced in a US government notice on August 11, and followed

an executive order by US President Donald Trump on July 15, which suspended the privileges Hong Kong enjoyed under the Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992. The city will now be treated as “just another Chinese city”.

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