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Wellcation – 14 Day Quarantine Wellness Kit
by The University of Hong Kong

A 14 day quarantine is no joke and it's easy to feel down and unmotivated. Quarantining whether at home, at a hotel, or at an isolation facility is never easy. Whether this is self-imposed or government-mandated, we all struggle with isolation. But as Omicron continues to spread across Hong Kong, we find ourselves in the difficult position of isolating ourselves in order to keep the virus from spreading.


The University of Hong Kong has developed  “Wellcation – 14 Day Quarantine Wellness Kit” with each day having a specific theme with a reflective story, a video-based activity, and a wellbeing practice. So if you find yourself struggling with quarantine, download the guide here using your browser:


We wish you all health and happiness.

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