The leadership landscape is dramatically shifting as the business community is seeing a transformation accelerated with Covid-19. This shift in dynamic requires a higher leadership IQ and a deeper understanding of what I consider the new rules of leadership.
The trends in the 21st annual 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer, a trust and credibility survey conducted by the Edelman Data & Intelligence, show that consumers, employees and the public expect more from companies and their leaders. And that trust has shifted from the government to the private sector, squarely on the shoulders of business, company CEOs and their senior leaders as 61 percent of respondents ranked business as the most trusted institution.
There is minimal room for error given the high trust that has been thrust upon business and leaders need to make sure that they continually meet the high expectations such as safeguarding information quality or taking a position on societal issues such as racial justice.
Below are the four new rules leaders need to consider as they ready for the challenges of tomorrow:
Rule 1: Develop Empathic Accuracy
Rule 2: Enhanced Intellectual Curiosity
Rule 3: Connecting the Dots
Rule 4: End the Echo Chamber
Read More at https://www.inc.com/bernard-coleman/people-expect-more-from-ceo-in-2021-step-up-your-leadership-with-these-4-tips.html