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overseas companies

Technology advancement and economic globalization have made world smaller. The companies nowadays not only have to compete in local market but also internationally. For this, it has become necessarly to spread your boundaries and take the advantages of the different markets. By growing overseas, you can stand out of the crowd. You can get better hold of market, explore more business opportunities and build up your global image and goodwill. You can explore the potential of your business to the fullest.

Opening a company in overseas can be greatly rewarding. Companies that find themselves operating in a saturated market can get a breathing space. You can take advantage of the untapped market with your expertise and experience. It can rejuvenate your business.





  • You will gain a new base of customers and suppliers. Your overseas customers will take you more seriously if you have local presence, while you will attain greater respect from the local customer.

  • You can take advantage of the economic policies of overseas government policy.

  • Attain goodwill and global image for you company.

  • Benefit from the foreign currency exchange.

  • Receive the tax benefits.

  • Exposure to investment opportunities.

  • Lower operating cost

  • Diversifying company markets

  • Get access to the employees with unique skill and mindsets

Our Services:

We provide company incorporation in different countries to cater your specific needs


Please click here for the fees structure related to Hong Kong Incorporated Companies.

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DBMS GLOBAL LTD., Unit 809, 8/F., Brill Plaza, 84 To Kwa Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Tel: +852 27902006; Fax: +852 27902120; Email:

Trust or Company Service Provider Licence Number: TC001552

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